Mysterious Knitting

Just my blog...I also have a Finnish version of this.

lauantaina, kesäkuuta 14, 2008

Some new plans

Dear readers,
Here I am again. My knitting plans...they're easy to tell. At first I must finish the vest I am knitting at the moment. Then I think I will start a bag. It is from the Finnish version of the Stitch N'Bitch -book. It is from the end of the book. There's this fabulous pattern which is very easy to follow. I am not the best knitter of the world, so simple patterns are my thing. And that bag is simple. I wonder if I should knit that bag sometimes with moss stitch and use Novita Maxi as yarn. That would be a big bag...but big bags are easy to carry and there's lot of space inside.

Let's knit, shall we?