Mysterious Knitting

Just my blog...I also have a Finnish version of this.

lauantaina, elokuuta 31, 2019

The packages are on their way

Dear readers, I sent some packages today. One is for the parents of the prince, and another is for another friend of mine. Her family has treated me very well.
Let's knit, shall we?


maanantaina, elokuuta 26, 2019

Back to square 1

Dear readers, I was going to knit a sweater for myself. A sweater, that I could wear during a wedding celebration, if I get an invitation. I don't expect such, but who knows. Someone may want to invite me.
The back is already done, but the front and the sleeves are still missing. I started the front, but I had to rip it. I had made a mistake with the pattern. Now I've re - written the pattern for myself. I hope it will be right this time. But I am not going to re - knit it any time soon.

Let's knit, shall we?

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