Mysterious Knitting

Just my blog...I also have a Finnish version of this.

maanantaina, syyskuuta 24, 2007

What is wrong with me?

Dear readers,
I feel a bit strange. I believe you remember when I told you about one canvas of mine, about the pansy one. Well, it is still on break. And I thought I could knit and stitch my "on hold" -department projects before I grab that pansy one to stitch again. At the moment I have a poncho as my knitting WIP. I have knitted more than 20 cm already. The total length should be 80 cm. I have no much left of the first piece. The second one will be my WIP once the firs one is done.

Let's knit, shall we?


sunnuntai, syyskuuta 23, 2007

TOOT TOOT from this knitter

Dear readers,
I thought I have to knit. My latest needlepoint canvas is done. I thought it is time to decrease the mount of my knitting yarns. So I thought I will make a poncho. I will show a photo later. I just begun so there is no much to show.

I can't blog anything in Finnish yet, because Blogger does not co-operate. That is why my Finnish readers must wait for some time. I do not know how long they must wait. I hope they do not need to wait for long.

Let's knit, shall we?


tiistaina, syyskuuta 04, 2007

What is wrong with me?

Dear readers,
I have...a bit strange state of mind right now. Why? I'd love to keep a break from needlepoint, the same time the canvases...I feel like they'd keep calling my name. What is wrong with me? Why am I feeling like this? Of course it was a relief to get one project done, but I have some knitting projects too. Oh well...Maybe I must keep them waiting...or then not. I don't know. I have a skirt as an UFO...and it has made teeny weeny progress. You see, I began the back yesterday and even knitted few rows. But that's all. It is like I would not want to knit but instead I would love to stitch, stitch, stitch all the time. What is wrong with me?????????

Let's knit, shall we?
